Friday, April 14, 2006

BBC NEWS - Search users 'stop at page three'

BBC NEWS | Technology | Search users 'stop at page three'
Most people using a search engine expect to find what they are looking for on the first page of results, says a US study.

At most, people will go through three pages of results before giving up, found the survey by Jupiter Research and marketing firm iProspect.

It also found that a third of users linked companies in the first page of results with top brands.

The study surveyed 2,369 people from a US online consumer panel.

It also found 62% of those surveyed clicked on a result on the first page, up from 48% in 2002.

Some 90% of consumers clicked on a link in these pages, up from 81% in 2002.

And 41% of consumers changed engines or their search term if they did not find what they were searching for on the first page.